A Day in the Life of the Iler's

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekly update and Halloween Party

Ellie and Evan and their monster teeth. Ellie won hers from
the prize chest at Trader Joes for finding the hidden tiger in the
store. Evan had to get some, too. Poor little Violet
just thinks they are crazy.
Ellie went to a Halloween party on Friday night.
Ellie and Hailey were in the mummy wrapping contest. First team
to use a whole roll of T.P and wrap up their mummy completely
Ellie wrapping Hailey. It was fun to see the kids
all trying to use different techniques. They are
all pretty good at problem solving, even at 5!
Elise (the hostess) and her mummy wrap partner.
Clearly, they won!
Plastic skeleton bones were hidden in the corn field for
the kids to find. They played several hundred times. Ellie found the
one with a star and got a prize.
Camers searching for bones in his new glasses. See how
much older he looks?! They grow too fast. Maybe we
should have another one.... =) I'll add more pics with
his glasses this weekend.
Ellie is a big girl now so she takes showers.
She really is a ham!
Cam loves bath time. Especially the bubbles and
soaping up the doll to wash her hair. We bribe him
with M&M's to get him out!
(Hey, don't judge me!)
Hi all! Well, Camers got his glasses on Thursday. Praise God, he loves them! He has no problems wearing them all day. They don't seem to cause any discomfort, though we have to clean them about a hundred times a day! When you tell him he is handsome, he gives you a big flirty smile. That has always been my mom's nickname for him; Handsome. Now everyone uses it. He will say 'ham-mum' for handsome. And if you ask who is handsome he will tell you, 'Camers'. We go back to the Dr. on 11/25 to see if there has been any more change in last 6 weeks. Ideally, it will have stayed the same or gotten better. Worsening is a sign that patching may be needed. So, keep us in prayer! Sorry we only have the one pic of him in his glasses! Just been busy busy and the couple times I tried he did not cooperate, but I'll try and get more on this weekend!
Thought I'd add a bath pic in since they are so cute. Ellie is older now and prefers to have showers. She takes long ones.....but she gets clean!
Ellie had a Halloween party tonight at her friends Elise's house. They call Elise by the nickname Ellie also, so our Ellie is known in that circle as Ellie Grace. It's pretty cute to hear other kids call her that. She had a blast. They have a pretty big 'farm' like property with chickens and a big garden area so the kids just got to run free and have fun. I didn't put Cam's on as it was just too hot and also I knew it would get trashed outside. Some kids dresssed up, some didn't. Ellie is getting good wear out of this years costume. She gets to wear it to school and to Awana's this upcoming week, too! Hope you all have a great week! Love you all,
The Ilers


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